Next Match: Wednesday 12 November at 19:00 against Boureux d'Troyes on F1b

TMGB Reloaded

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2008

Initial formation

Dear all

Plasea have a look to the initial formation for the Next Match:

Around the minute 12 and 15 replacements must be: Pepe for Fernando, Alain for Adrian, and Christophe for Juan. Remains like this until te of the first half.

The second half starts with replacements of Fernando for Pepe, Adrian for Giovanni, Juan for Paulo.

Again, until between minutes 12 and 15 changes will be Giovanni for Christophe, Paulo for Alain, and Pepe for Fernando. Remainds like this until the end of the match.

If any incovenient occus please consider the position that you can cover:

Defenders: Pepe, Alain, Fernando, Paulo
Midfield: Adrian, Alain, Paulo
Attack: Juan, Christophe, Adrian, Giovanni

Like this you know when an incovenint ocurs who can get into the field.

Remember guys, great effort for those in attack and midfield, run a lot to attack and defend.
The strategy is to always let at least 2 players around midfield preventing any contra attack. If a defender goes forward the others player should read the escenario to decide if the defence is unprotected Remember to much players in attack is useless. We need defend very well and contra attack, this is mini-foot style.

Coach Juan

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