Next Match: Wednesday 12 November at 19:00 against Boureux d'Troyes on F1b

TMGB Reloaded

miércoles, 23 de enero de 2008

By democratic election

The final results are as follows:

Name of the team: 3 Must Get Beers
Coach: Juan
T-Shirt color: Red

So I encourage you to get your affiliation to sports ASAP.

Cheers and Welcome to the 3 Must Get Beers Team

miércoles, 16 de enero de 2008

Some inspiration

Once we won a third place

Still no decision

Dear all

The final results of your votes are as follows:

Preferred days to play: 1Tuesday, 2Thursday, 3Monday, 4Wednesday.
But still no decision on:

* The coach of the team: Paulo, Adrian, Alain or Juan
* The name of the team : The doctors or 3 must get beers
* Color of T-shirt: red or white

Please re-vote for the three options

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2008


Dear all this is the first post for the blog of our team. The first thing to do is to vote to select the name of the team, you can even propose a name before voting.