Next Match: Wednesday 12 November at 19:00 against Boureux d'Troyes on F1b

TMGB Reloaded

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008

Not that bad

We lost again, this time 6-2, the difference with the other team was not that big but still we were unlucky.

Let's keep trying.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

What the hell

We lost 11-0 for the next match we need to change our strategy or even better the sport we practice :)

Don't give up, see you for the next match


martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008

We are back

First match we won 2-0

Cheers Must get beers


martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008


Well we lost in the first round finals. It was really unexpected our qualification, anyway we did our best to organize the team in such a short time.

We'll be back

viernes, 18 de abril de 2008

Dear all

Thank you very much for being part of this adventure. It was really nice to play this competition with you. Unfortunately we didn't qualify to the next round but we did our best.

So, let's keep playing on Friday and I hope that we can reorganize the team for September.

Cheers and get some beer

miércoles, 16 de abril de 2008

Our Last Chance

Guys this is our last call. We are third in the group but if we losse the next match we will be out of the competition.

So let's go for it


jueves, 20 de marzo de 2008

Initial formation

The initial formation will be as follows:

After 10 minutes the changes will be: Christophe for Giovanni, Alfonso for Juan, Pepe for Fernando

If needed, just is case you are tired before the end of the first half, Alain can be replaced by Fernando and Daniel by Giovanni.

The Second half will start as follows

After 10 minutes the changes will be: Christophe for Giovanni, Daniel for Alfonso and Alain for Pepe

Before the end of the match if anybody needs a replacement
Giovanni and Alfonso will be ready to replace somebody in attack and Pepe to help in defence.

I wish you a good match t all of you, we cannot lose today.


sábado, 15 de marzo de 2008

This is football

Unfourtanly we lost 4-3 against les Jacobinio. They scored very quick 2 goals then we scored 3 but in the second half we didn't have any strenght they were lucky with the 4th goal in my oppinion it should have been 3-3 but this is football and we missed changing players, Juan were not there and Fernando was sick, so we didn't have any possibility to change in order to rest a little bit.


Anyway, the combind results of the third round let us in second place of the group, not that bad.

martes, 11 de marzo de 2008

Initial Formation

Dear all have a look at the initial formation for the next match:

Replacements around minute 10: Christophe for Giovanni, Alain for Pepe

Replacements around minute 15: Giovanni for Adrian, Pepe for Fernando

The second half would start with

Replacements around minute 10: Fernando for Alain, Paulo for Christophe

Replacements around minute 15(Depending on how you feel): Christophe and Alain will be ready to substitute any of you guys. Christophe somebody in Attack, Alain somebody in defence or even midfield if Paulo has to go in defence. Do not forget to always keep the order and respect your position. Always help first the defence. I wish you all an excellent match.

All the best
Coach Juan

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008

After two matches we are first in the group

Dear all,

We are top in our group, isn't great.

All the best


viernes, 29 de febrero de 2008

Great Game

Dear all

We are in the right road, with this attitude we can do great things. Everybody is committed to the team and this can be seen on the field. I thing now we play better and we got the result against a better opponent. I really like the Adrian's attitute to ask for a replacement, at the end of the second half, then I followed his example and ask for my own. Maybe is too long to play 20 minutes straight, right Gio?, so let's follow this attitude and the results will follow us.

This time the opponent was really demanding, the defense suffer this time, even thought is still invincible, keep it safe guys. Moussa you are just an excellent goalkeeper, congratulations for the great saves.
We played better again again the second half, maybe there are several factors but we might analyze the players used and the changes.
Now, we really touch the ball here and there, so midfild and attack were in good shape, still missing some clear opportunities, right Juan and Gio, but we are creating at least.
For those playing today, see you later, I encourage you to come in red, to play together and keep practicing.

Cheers and get some beers
Coach Juan

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2008

Time is coming to play again.

Dear all

Our group after the first matches

After the first game the time is coming to play again.
The first match at the end seems easy, Moussa almost did not touch the ball, nevertheless he had a couple of great saves. The defense really played wonderful, so, for you guys congratulations and keep it safe. The midfield and attack were not as good as it was expected, the first half no production, it is true that we had three posts, so maybe the other team was a little bit lucky, but anyway we were too separated and sometimes we were not coming back to help the defense, remember our first goal is to defend then attack. Some final remarks:

* Nobody can rest on the field without running, is you feel tired please ask for a replacement.
* Those who are in the bench please keep an eye on the clock for the replacements, it's 10 minutes per player.
* You already know how it works the replacement system

Around the minute 12 and 15 replacements must be: Pepe for Fernando, Alain for Adrian, and Christophe for Juan. Remains like this until te of the first half.

The second half starts with replacements of Fernando for Pepe, Adrian for Giovanni, Juan for Paulo.

Again, until between minutes 12 and 15 changes will be Giovanni for Christophe, Paulo for Alain, and Pepe for Fernando. Remainds like this until the end of the match.

All the best
Coach Juan

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008

The first photo of the team

Great match, good game for all of you.

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2008

Initial formation

Dear all

Plasea have a look to the initial formation for the Next Match:

Around the minute 12 and 15 replacements must be: Pepe for Fernando, Alain for Adrian, and Christophe for Juan. Remains like this until te of the first half.

The second half starts with replacements of Fernando for Pepe, Adrian for Giovanni, Juan for Paulo.

Again, until between minutes 12 and 15 changes will be Giovanni for Christophe, Paulo for Alain, and Pepe for Fernando. Remainds like this until the end of the match.

If any incovenient occus please consider the position that you can cover:

Defenders: Pepe, Alain, Fernando, Paulo
Midfield: Adrian, Alain, Paulo
Attack: Juan, Christophe, Adrian, Giovanni

Like this you know when an incovenint ocurs who can get into the field.

Remember guys, great effort for those in attack and midfield, run a lot to attack and defend.
The strategy is to always let at least 2 players around midfield preventing any contra attack. If a defender goes forward the others player should read the escenario to decide if the defence is unprotected Remember to much players in attack is useless. We need defend very well and contra attack, this is mini-foot style.

Coach Juan

lunes, 11 de febrero de 2008


Guys, I propose you to read the rules. In particular, we get used to play quite physically on Friday what shall not be tolerated by the referee (if I understood correctly the rules).


Les règles officielles du football en salle sont d’application pendant le tournoi !!!


Au signal de l’arbitre le jeu commence par un coup de pied donné par un joueur au

ballon posé a terre au centre du terrain, dans la direction du camp adverse. Le

ballon est considéré en jeu dès qu’il a parcouru une distance égale à sa circonférence.


* La talonnade n’est pas une faute … (sauf si elle est dangereuse) !!!!

1-Donner ou essayer de donner un coup de pied à un adversaire ;

2-Faire tomber ou essayer de faire tomber un adversaire ;

3-Sauter sur un adversaire ;

4-Charger un adversaire violemment ou dangereusement ;

5-Charger un adversaire par derrière ;

6-Frapper ou essayer de frapper un adversaire ou de cracher dans sa direction ;

7-Tenir un adversaire ;

8-Pousser un adversaire ;

9-Tackler dans les environs immédiats d’un adversaire (appréciation de l’arbitre)

10-Toucher le ballon avec la main ou le bras.

Si la faute a été commise dans la surface de réparation, elle sera pénalisée d’un

coup de pied de réparation (penalty).


1-Jouer d’une manière jugée dangereuse par l’arbitre(ex. : essayer de donner un coup

de pied dans le ballon lorsque celui-ci est en possession du gardien de but)

2-Sans jouer le ballon, faire intentionnellement obstruction à un adversaire ;

3-Charger le gardien de but dans sa surface de réparation ;
1- Contrôler le ballon dans sa zone, une deuxième fois, après l’avoir dégagé.
Pour le rejouer une deuxième fois, le gardien doit sortir de sa zone ou un adversaire
doit l’avoir touché entre-temps.

2- Contrôler le ballon avec les mains dans sa surface de réparation plus de 4 secondes.


-Un joueur recevra un avertissement solennel (carte jaune) :

a)s’il enfreint avec persistance les règles de jeu

b)s’il désapprouve en paroles ou par gestes les décisions de l’arbitre

-Un joueur sera expulsé ou exclu du terrain (carte rouge)

a)après avoir reçu une deuxième carte jaune

b)S’il se rend coupable de jeu violent

c)S’il se rend coupable de brutalité

d)S’il tient des propos injurieux ou grossiers.

· Son équipe sera complétée après 5 minutes, ou après avoir encaissé un but. Le joueur peut être suspendu pour le match suivant (décision de la commission sportive)

Tout litige sera réglé par le responsable du tournoi, Luis Suarez avec la collaboration des arbitres.

Si aucun accord ne peut être trouvé avec l’organisateur du tournoi et les arbitres ou si le problème est jugé trop grave par ceux-ci et nécessitant une sanction adaptée, le litige sera soumis à la commission sportive composée du chef arbitre (et d’un autre arbitre si le chef arbitre était arbitre du match en question), de l’organisateur du tournoi Luis Suarez, du responsable des moniteurs UCL Cédric Biot, du Directeur du Service des Sports UCL Jean-Jacques Deheneffe et d’un étudiant membre du CSE Tournois.

Une demande écrite ou par mail doit parvenir à Luis Suarez et à Jean-Jacques Deheneffe dans les 24 heures suivant le litige.

Let's get started

Dear all

First of all, let me congratulate you all for the great effort on Friday Match, we did not just win a match but also we won in attitude, perseverance, team work and learn how are we going to play. The formation 2 1 2 worked great and even that we were 1 less player, the opponent were not easy and we were below 4-1, we succeed to reorganize things and dominate the match that ended 7-5.

Second, finally we know when are we going to play. We are in Group (Poule) 13. We will play always at 8 and on Thursday (Jeudi). the days are as follows:

14 February 3 Must Get Beers Vs. Jet Set (Sorry for the San Valentines you should promise a very Romantic dinner around 10)
28 February 3 Must Get Beers Vs. Coco Bongo
13 March 3 Must Get Beers Vs. LES JACOBINIO (I won't be here that day but I will send an email to remind you)
20 March 3 Must Get Beers Vs. 8H18 (The game is at 8, the name of the team is quite strange)
17 April 3 Must Get Beers Vs. WELCOM BACK 12 DRT

For those that play this Tuesday with Michel Francois please come with a white T-Shirt, it would be our last training before Thursday.

Cheers and see you on Thursday
Coach Juan

P.S. Have a look at the shoes that are forbidden

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2008

Habemus Equipum

Finally, Fernando registered the team this Thursday 31st evening. We still count with Alain and Moussa, who showed interest in playing with us, to get the sports card. We excluded Alfonso who didn't repply any email, so, we assume he was not interested.
Anyway, do not forget to buy your red T-Shirt and your number.

N° Nom du joueur
1 Moussa Aitabi
2 Jose Mourelle
3 Alain Guillet
4 Fernando Barrera
5 Christophe Lemaigre
6 Paulo Peneda Saraiva
7 Laurent Marchal
8 Adrian Stanciulescu
9 Juan Manuel Gonzalez Calleros
10 Giovanni Motta

miércoles, 23 de enero de 2008

By democratic election

The final results are as follows:

Name of the team: 3 Must Get Beers
Coach: Juan
T-Shirt color: Red

So I encourage you to get your affiliation to sports ASAP.

Cheers and Welcome to the 3 Must Get Beers Team

miércoles, 16 de enero de 2008

Some inspiration

Once we won a third place

Still no decision

Dear all

The final results of your votes are as follows:

Preferred days to play: 1Tuesday, 2Thursday, 3Monday, 4Wednesday.
But still no decision on:

* The coach of the team: Paulo, Adrian, Alain or Juan
* The name of the team : The doctors or 3 must get beers
* Color of T-shirt: red or white

Please re-vote for the three options

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2008


Dear all this is the first post for the blog of our team. The first thing to do is to vote to select the name of the team, you can even propose a name before voting.