Next Match: Wednesday 12 November at 19:00 against Boureux d'Troyes on F1b

TMGB Reloaded

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2008

Habemus Equipum

Finally, Fernando registered the team this Thursday 31st evening. We still count with Alain and Moussa, who showed interest in playing with us, to get the sports card. We excluded Alfonso who didn't repply any email, so, we assume he was not interested.
Anyway, do not forget to buy your red T-Shirt and your number.

N° Nom du joueur
1 Moussa Aitabi
2 Jose Mourelle
3 Alain Guillet
4 Fernando Barrera
5 Christophe Lemaigre
6 Paulo Peneda Saraiva
7 Laurent Marchal
8 Adrian Stanciulescu
9 Juan Manuel Gonzalez Calleros
10 Giovanni Motta

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